Friday, September 19, 2008


Enjoy Me and My Big Family Merdeka Holiday


Alhamdullilah......everyone in my family fasting well....

As we all getting ready for raya and the arrival of newborn.......i begin to wonder......if i have raise my daughters well.

lately i have a chat with Shearaz about how we going to raise the 3 little turkey - Amira, Atiqah and will be maximum headache to raise three girls.

i know amira and atiqah is very excited about the newborn.... but nevertheless i don't want to take their feeling for granted.....Shearaz think the girls should not be jealous simply because they have grown.....Is this right?

OF COURSE NOT......i still remember when i was young.....there is a big aged gap between me and my siblings. My brother above me was 18 years old when i was born. I did not have a good childhood or to be exact teenage life.

My sibling hate me so much.....simply because i got everything i want....from toys, book,computer,holiday and many more.......well during their parents was poor but when i was born things has change.....

Example my sister had her second child when i was 9 yrs old.....i still remember how she actually torn all my clothes and toys simply because she feel jealous as during her time she did not have all these items and she also use to force me to eat chilli- A LOT.......

My mum used to give me present and hide them simply because she don't want my sister to get offended.....what to bejealouse and offended about?...she is marriend....and WORSE OF ALL - my mum always ask me to say sorry even when i didn't do anything wrong. For her I'm the youngest one so i should say sorry and accept everything......Is this fair?......If i know i have to be treated this way i wouldn't want to be the youngest child....

For me Shearaz is a perfectionist in raising a child. He want the children to be superb in Education, active in sport and bla bla bla..... Nothing wrong with that......But Well I'm not the same....not to say education is not important but.....but as a parent we must able to identify the strenght and weaknesses of our children. We should polish their strenght and overcome their weaknesses. Not to perfecting everything.

Remember .....when we were young and we hate our parent simply because they always try to groom us as their protege or achieve their dream?.....How they push us away from them?.....

I don't want that to happen to my children.....i want to teach them a good common sense they can think better and understand what life is all about.....We always wondering why life is the same.....we wake to work and same old things again....worse of all ...we have to accept everything as it is......

That is how our grandparent taught our parent....then our parent taught us...and we taught our kids......WE HAVE LOST THE BIGGEST VALUE IN LIFE - COMMON SENSE......we are now being a follower. What I'm trying to say is - IT DOESN'T TAKE EINSTEIN TO BE PRESIDENT

We hate what our parents did to us.....then, why we did it to our children......We now have the power to change the world by starting with our children.....PARENTS....TIME HAS CHANGE......WE SHOULD CHANGE....ADAPT TO THE NEW SURROUNDING.......

No one can tell us how to raise a perfect child.....we can only hope.....Give them 1kg fish, they will live for a week but if you teach them to go fishing, they will live longer.

Cherish our children and believe in them, they will be ok....we are ok........... right?Cheers.....


I believe the children of our future....teach them well and let them lead the them all the beauty they posses inside....give them a sense of pride.....and make it easier....let the children laugh.....remind them how we use to be.

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